Fester Power

Thursday, November 8, 2007

One of my not so guilty pleasures

I get pretty bored with reality shows. How many "pretty people can date each other while trapped in a deserted area of the world while being filmed and watched every moment of their lives" shows can we have? When it comes to the food we put in our bodies, it starts to get interesting. I have mixed feelings about watching footage of the seedy underbellies of our local eateries. But, I love to see Gordon Ramsay tear 'em up on his Kitchen Nightmares show. The Hell's Kitchen uber-chef is a hellian with a heart of gold, tearing up unsanitary cooking conditions while building up chefs into the leaders he knows they can be. I started looking up info on Chef Ramsay's vast culinary empire. WOW!! I looked up menu offerings for one of his pubs. Most of the items were fishy items that I would not care for, or know what to do with. But, the most interesting offering I found on any of the menus read as follows:
BRAISED GLOUCESTER PIG CHEEKS WITH MASHED NEEPS I have no idea what that is, but it sounds really cool!!! What on earth is a neep???? I would love to go his restaurant sometime, but I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Haute cuisine for me is P.F. Chang's once a year if I am lucky. Something to aspire towards I guess. Until that time, I will satisfy my longing for the Ramsay by watching weird clips of him on youtube, verbally abusing, well, everybody. He's scary, but you gotta love him!

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Dog update...bounty hunter bigot?

Previously, I posted on my love for Dog the Bounty Hunter and his messed up family and show. Recent events have put the hunter in a bit of a rabid light. Because he chose to use taboo terms, he has gone the way of the Imus and screwed his career. He wants to meet with Sharpton...making a deal with the devil? He is sorry....I BET!! A@E has suspeneded production of his show. Maybe he'll show up on Spike TV or something. Was he wrong to use those words, absolutely! He seemed very comfotable in their use. Should he be judged for what he said in a private conversation? It is a toss up. His show will be missed in our home, if for nothing else, for the comedic value. The dog has been sent to the pound. Will he be re-adopted in time? We'll see.

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Friday, November 2, 2007

What has Halloween become?

I consider myself lucky at this point of my life. My children are old enough to have an opinion, but old enough to know that mom and dad have the final say. Halloween in the Festerpower house was exciting but predictable. My girls dressed up as a bride and a cat, and my son was an elephant. I cherish these days of innocence, of safe, sweet costumes. I do not long for the day when I have to argue with my children over whether or not their costume is appropriate. Recently, on Fox and Friends, they had a man discussing the inappropriateness of costumes for little girls. Set aside your possible ideas about the Fox News Channel, sit back and view what is bound to be a new entry in Webster's Dictionary. If nothing else, it is one of my new favorite terms.........PROSTITOT.

Click here for Fox News Video on Prostitots